
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Military-Friendly 政策

在大学期间被征召现役的军人可以享受特殊待遇. Options include (1) Full refund of tuition; (2) grade of incomplete with the opportunity to complete coursework through independent study or by retaking the course at no charge; or (3) a passing grade if warranted by coursework completed prior to departure.

Deferral policy for tuition, 费用, and books
符合 Minnesota State Statute 197.775, 符合条件并已申请但尚未获得退伍军人福利的学生免收滞纳金. 该法律规定:“州立学院或大学不得评估有资格获得联邦或州教育援助的退伍军人的滞纳金或其他滞纳金,并且已经申请了该援助,但尚未收到该援助, 他们也不会因为联邦或州拖欠的学费而阻止这些学生注册下一学期的课程.”

明尼苏达州立学院和大学将考虑在非学分或经验设置(如军事)中获得的先前学习. 之前的学习将被评估为大学水平的学习,因为它适用于您选择的课程和学位. 请联系 咨询和辅导 如需进一步协助.

Active duty military in Minnesota, 退伍军人, and their spouses and dependent children pay tuition at the Minnesota in-state resident rate.

Transfer credit for military education
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities considers academic credit earned at accredited public, 私立和军事院校,当认证机构的课程适用于您选择的课程和学位时,将授予转学分. 请参阅有关 军事信贷转移 for 退伍军人 and service members. 请联系 咨询和辅导 如需进一步协助.

Return of Tuition Assistance (Unearned TA Policy)
使用学费援助(TA)的学生预计将在整个课程期间继续注册. If a student using TA withdraws or stops attending, 学生可能不再有资格获得最初授权的全额福利. To remain in compliance with the Department of Defense’s policy, 罗切斯特社区和技术学院将按比例退还任何未获得的助教资金,至少达到课程成绩的60%. 未获得的助教分数将根据学生主动提出的退课日期或导师注明的最后一次出勤日期计算.

After 60% of the course has passed, TA will not be evaluated for a return to the DOD.

作为一个机构, 我们将在课程完成60%后向国防部开具账单,以减少国防部向罗切斯特社区和技术学院支付的不正确的助教资金. We will only bill for the amount the student earned given their enrollment.

Schedule for Returning Unearned TA  
This return schedule applies to any course regardless of its duration.

Unearned TA funds will be returned on a prorated basis, depending on the length of the course and the amount of the course the student completed.

为了确定需要退还的助教数目,学校将确定领取助教的日期或最后一次出席的日期, 计算学生完成课程的天数,然后除以该课程的总天数,以确定该学生获得的TA的百分比.

Example: 的 student enrolled in a course with a scheduled duration of 30 days. 的 withdrawal was submitted on the 14th day. 学校将通过计算来确定学生的出勤率可以获得多少TA:

(14 divided by 30 equals 46.6%. 47% of the TA authorized was earned by the student, which means 53% of what was authorized will be returned to the DOD)

Example: 的 student enrolled in a course with a scheduled duration of 120 days. 的 withdrawal was submitted on the 34th day. 学校将通过计算来确定学生的出勤率可以获得多少TA:

(34 divided by 120 equals 28.3%. 28% of the TA authorized was earned by the student, which means 72% of what was authorized will be returned to the DOD)

If the student completed more the 60% of the course, the full amount of TA authorize is considered “earned” and no refund is needed.

Information for Prospective Students

的 大学的计分卡 消费者计划工具和资源,以帮助未来的学生和他们的家庭,因为他们评估选择学校的选项.

的 大学导航器 is a consumer tool that provides school information about tuition and 费用, retention and graduation rates, 财政援助的使用, 学生贷款违约率, and features a cost calculator and school comparison tool.

大学融资计划 一份典型的经济援助奖励信是为了简化未来学生收到的十大赌博正规平台在线大学费用和经济援助的信息,这样他们就可以很容易地比较学校,并做出明智的决定去哪里上学吗. For a personalized 大学融资计划, log in to 电子商务 with your StarID and password, then click on the “金融援助” link.  Additional information about 正规赌博十大网站’s tuition, 费用, and financial aid information may be found on our website under 正规赌博十大网站.

的 支付大学学费 网站包含一个工具,可用于未来的学生比较详细的财务信息,最多三所学校在同一时间. This site also includes general information about financial aid and financial literacy.

的 designated point of contact for service members is Othelmo da Silva, Academic Advisor. 可以联系到他 Othelmo.DaSilva@hurongyun168.com or 507-285-7566.

If you are receiving Tuition Assistance (TA) and are seeking access to disability counseling, 请联系特拉维斯 Kromminga at 特拉维斯.kromminga@hurongyun168.com or 507-280-2968 to learn more about 正规赌博十大网站’s Disability Support Services.

State of Minnesota Statutes

明尼苏达州为退伍军人和服务人员制定的法规为明尼苏达州立学院和大学的决策提供了依据. 的 statutes of most interest to 退伍军人 and service members are as follows:

Minnesota Higher Education Veterans Assistance Program
Minnesota State Statute 197.585指示明尼苏达州退伍军人事务部和明尼苏达州的公立学院和大学合作建立高等教育退伍军人计划.

Minnesota State Higher Education Fairness
Minnesota State Statute 197.775指导所有明尼苏达州立学院和大学制定退伍军人和军事友好的课程政策, tuition rates and delayed payments.

Minnesota State Higher Education Fairness
Minnesota State Statute 195.502规定了公立学院和大学必须在课程参与中断时为现役军人和退伍军人提供与服务有关的残疾或相关医疗的最低保护. 的se individuals may: (1) Withdraw and have tuition refunded, 要求通过独立学习或在未来重新注册免费完成未完成的课程, or receive a grade of C or better if warranted by coursework completed prior to departure. (2) Receive a refund for room, board and 费用 while absent and attending to active duty or service-connected disabilities. (3) Re-admit and re-enroll in good standing without penalty when proper documentation is provided. 学生因服兵役或因医疗或身体状况而缺课的课程必须算作旷课,不得以任何方式对学生的成绩或班级地位产生不利影响.

Prohibition of Aggressive and Dishonest Recruiting Tactics
罗切斯特社区和技术学院及其员工遵守有关道德行为的系统和国家政策/法规(见下面的政策和程序链接).  的 policy prohibits acceptance of gifts and provides conflict of interest guidelines, including “using your position to secure any advantage that is not available to the public”.  除了, 正规赌博十大网站员工必须完成明尼苏达州年度行为准则培训,概述道德行为和实践. Recruiters and staff are prohibited from misrepresenting 正规赌博十大网站, 禁止使用不道德或咄咄逼人的招聘做法,也禁止接受报酬或奖励参加这些活动.

Rochester Community and Technical College also commits to and complies with the VA Principles of Excellence.

所有这些政策, 程序, 上述法规和协定将禁止使用咄咄逼人和不诚实的征聘策略.


请联系 资深的服务 如需进一步协助 or if you have questions about the policies listed above.